
  • 07 3715 9999
  • 34 Goggs Rd, Jindalee QLD 4074
  • Directions:
  • Opening Hours

    Mon-Thu: 6pm to 8am
    Weekends: Fri 6pm until Mon 8am
    Public Holidays: 24 Hours
    No appointment required.

Dedicated pet blood bank

We have an on-site pet blood bank and pet blood donation program to provide life-saving transfusions for our patients.

Dedicated intensive care unit

We are equipped with advanced monitoring and diagnostic equipment, including mechanical ventilators to look after the most critical patients.

Dedicated cat feline ICU & consult room

The dedicated cat feline ICU & consult room provides specialised care and consultation tailored to the unique needs of our feline patients, ensuring their well-being and recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't you tell me what is wrong with my pet over the phone?

Why are other pets being consulted by a veterinarian before my pet?

What if I can't afford the fees?

Why does veterinary treatment cost so much?

Outside of Animal Emergency Service Jindalee, an emergency vet Brisbane
Reception and waiting area at Jindalee emergency vet
A patient waiting calmly at AES Jindalee
Veterinarian performing a diagnostic ultrasound on a dog at AES Jindalee
Reception area at our emergency vet Jindalee
A client at reception at our emergency vet Jindalee
A brown dog at Jindalee animal hospital
A cat being treated by a vet at Jindalee animal hospital
Emergency surgery being performed at AES Jindalee
A black and white kitten at our after hours vet Brisbane
Reception area at Jindalee emergency vet
A veterinarian performing eye surgery at AES Jindalee
A nurse holding a bird at our emergency vet Jindalee
Veterinary nurses treating a patient at AES Jindalee

How to Find us

Looking for an emergency vet in Brisbane? Our Animal Emergency Service Jindalee hopsital is located just off the Centenary Highway (M5) at 34 Goggs Road in the Jindalee Home Centre, just a 3 minute drive from Jindalee DFO.

We are ready and waiting to see pets from any of the surrounding suburbs of Jindalee, including:

  • Brisbane
  • Chelmer
  • Corinda
  • Forest Lake
  • Graceville
  • Ipswich
  • Kenmore
  • Middle Park
  • Mount Ommaney
  • Oxley
  • Seventeen Mile Rocks
  • Toowong
Driving from the south:
  • Take the Oxley exit from the Centenary Highway and turn left onto Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd.
  • Continue on through the underpass and at the roundabout take the first left onto Goggs Rd.
  • You will pass McDonalds Jindalee on your left and on your right will be 7-Eleven Jindalee Service Station.
  • Enter the Jindalee Home Centre precinct through the first driveway on the left, after Nutrition Warehouse.
Landmarks you’ll see:

McDonalds Jindalee, Nutrition Warehouse, Andrews Lighting, 7-Eleven Jindalee, and Jindalee Home signs

Driving from the north:
  • Take the Oxley exit from the Centenary Highway onto Goggs Road.
  • Take the second exit onto Goggs Road, passing McDonalds Jindalee and Nutrition Warehouse on your left.
  • The Jindalee Home Centre driveway is on the left and parking is located in front of the Animal Emergency Service building.
Landmarks you’ll see:

McDonalds Jindalee, Nutrition Warehouse, Andrews Lighting, 7-Eleven Jindalee, and Jindalee Home signs

Your local after hours Brisbane vet helping pets

If you’re ever worried about your pet, our Jindalee animal hospital is here to give you peace of mind – you won’t need to wait until the morning to see your vet when they open.

Our small animal specialist hospital team has experience with an array of emergencies giving us deeper insight and understanding to treat illnesses and injuries such as:

Any time you feel anxious or worried about your pet, come on down to see us so we can put your mind at ease.

After your visit, our emergency vet Brisbane team will send your pet’s medical history back to your regular daytime vet for your pet’s ongoing care.

What our Brisbane emergency vet does

We are ready and waiting to meet you and your pet, even if it’s just to put your worried mind at ease.

We are lucky to have access to most of the modern-day equipment you could find in a human hospital, with facilities such as x-rays, mechanical ventilators, ultrasounds, surgery rooms and more to help us deliver a 5-star service.

You will find friendly faces and welcoming team members when you come to see our Jindalee vet team.

We aim to support you through tough and emotional times to help you make decisions about your pets’ treatment.

Meet the team at AES Jindalee

Meet our team

Come down and meet the team! Our Brisbane vet and nurse team are here to answer any questions you may have about your pet.