Despite the many plants and flowers that are poisonous to our pets, there are many others that aren’t. For those of you who have a curious fur baby and are also plant lovers, you can still, with a little caution, create a beautiful and pet-safe garden. We’ve compiled a list of pet friendly plants and flowers to get you started.
A-Z of pet friendly plants and flowers
Listed below are plants and flowers that are harmless to our pets if ingested, at worst some can cause mild diarrhoea and vomiting if ingested in large enough quantities.
If you are bringing the outdoors indoors, don’t forget to use a sturdy pot so curious paws don’t tip them over!
African Daisy
The dog-friendly African daisy with its vibrant colours makes for a great addition to your garden.
African Violet
Coming in violet, blue, pink, and white this low maintenance plant will brighten up any indoor space.
Air Plants
Extremely low maintenance and not needing to grow in soil, air plants are safe for dogs and cats.
Areca Palm
Give any room in your home a tropical feel with this plant, also known as the butterfly palm. Safe for cats and dogs all it needs is a bright room to grow.
Bamboo Palm
Not a true bamboo, this is one type of palm that’s safe for our pets.
Why not start your own herb garden? Coming in many varieties, basil is also safe for our pets.
Bird's Nest Fern
Easily one of the best dog friendly plants, it’s also a great indoor plant as it does well in low light conditions.
Exotic with vibrant colours and unique, bromeliads will brighten up anyone’s garden.
Cast Iron Plant
Extremely hardy and low maintenance, it’s a great choice for newbie gardeners or those who don’t have a green thumb. It’s also pet friendly.
One of the most stunning plants, the orchid is also dog friendly.
Parlour Palm
One of the most stunning plants, the orchid is also dog friendly.Safe for dogs, the parlour palm will bring a tropical feel to your backyard. It’s also great as an indoor plant for its air-purifying properties.
Ponytail Palm
Who can resist touching the long leaves of the ponytail palm – certainly not any self-respecting cat! These non-toxic plants make a great addition to any bright room.
Prayer Plant
If you’re looking for an indoor plant to help purify the air, you can’t go past the prayer plant with its oval leaves and unique pattern.
Add to your herb garden with some rosemary. This pet friendly plant enjoys a sunny patch in the garden.
Spider Plant
As well as being safe for both cats and dogs, the spider plant also has the ability to remove toxic gases like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air.
Zebra Cactus Plant
Do you love succulents? You can’t go past the zebra cactus plant with its unique zebra-like stripe pattern. It’s also dog friendly.
If you suspect your pet has eaten a toxic plant or flower, contact your closest Animal Emergency Service hospital or your local vet immediately.
For more information about what is toxic to pets, visit our Pets and Poisons Guide.