In an extraordinary display of dedication and collaboration, the team at Animal Emergency Services Jindalee recently embarked on a remarkable journey to save a group of beloved ducks. These enchanting waterfowl, cherished by their loving and committed owners, found themselves in the care of the compassionate team at AES Jindalee after experiencing sudden health complications.
The ducks, who lived harmoniously alongside chickens, quails, and other ducks on their owner’s sprawling property, began showing alarming symptoms of acute paralysis and respiratory distress. Concerned for their well-being, the owners wasted no time in seeking assistance from the experienced professionals at AES Jindalee.
Upon their arrival at the clinic, the ducks were met with swift and attentive care from Dr Annaleys Bennett and nurses Caitlin Du-Shane and Kim Truong. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the team engaged in collaborative discussions with experts from the Wildlife Hospital at Australia Zoo and RSPCA wildlife & AES Vet Director Dr. Geoff Dodds. Together, they meticulously assessed the ducks’ condition and concluded that Botulism was the likely culprit, given the presenting signs.
Despite the absence of Botulism anti-toxoids in Australia, the nurses were undeterred in their mission to provide the best possible care for their feathered patients. With innovative thinking and unwavering determination, they skillfully placed IV catheters in the ducks’ medial metatarsal vein to administer treatment and supportive care.
“It’s not every day that you get to put an IV line into ducks,” remarked Nurse Manager Kate Wesche, reflecting on the unique nature of the rescue mission.
In a clinic where cats, dogs, and injured wildlife typically take center stage, the arrival of domestic waterfowl presented a rare and special opportunity for the team at AES Jindalee. Their dedication to the well-being of all animals, regardless of species, was evident as they worked tirelessly to alleviate the ducks’ suffering and stabilise their health.
“It was a good experience with your team at AES and I am glad that I brought them in. Shadow has recovered fully and is currently running around the backyard with his ladies.” owner, Mr Jamie Duval reports.
As the Cayuga drake Shadow, continues his recovery journey under the watchful care of his devoted owners and the compassionate team at AES Jindalee, their story serves as a poignant reminder of the remarkable bond between humans and animals. It’s a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and unwavering compassion in the field of veterinary medicine.