Lost Pet Collection Form Your DetailsOwner First Name(Required) Owner last name(Required) Alternative Contact Name(Required) Alternative Contact Phone Number(Required) Your street address(Required) Your suburb(Required) Your postcode(Required) Your phone number(Required) Your email address(Required) Your consentI hereby verify that I am the true owner of the pet I collected today at the Animal Emergency Service in Carrara. I understand that if an investigation is performed, my contact details will be forwarded onto the appropriate authority. I understand Animal Emergency Service will provide proper care during the animal's stay. At the end of that period, the animal will be surrendered to the RSPCA or council pound. I am aware this animal may be humanely euthanized if the veterinarian deems the injuries too severe and there is undue suffering. I have been offered a chance to take financial responsibility, thereby allowing me to participate in these decisions and have chosen to decline, giving Animal Emergency Service total responsibility. I consent to proceed OFFICE USE ONLY - Please pass the iPad back to receptionWhich pet is the owner collecting?(Required)