Behind VetAPedia stands a team of passionate Veterinarians

Scientific Committee


We are here to help build the future of emergency medicine and critical care. This scientific committee was established to guide the development of emergency medicine and critical care at Animal Emergency Service, but we’d like to be able to help you save the sickest pets as well, through interacting over the Vetpedia platform.

The committee is made up of four highly experienced emergency and critical care veterinarians, and our purpose is to review and approve clinical guidelines, provide expert opinion, and answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need help with any emergency or critical care related problem, and don’t be shy to give us any feedback or guidance either. Our dream is to make this a place where emergency veterinarians can collaborate and improve the outcomes for the patients we care for.

Dr. Rob Webster

Director & Veterinary Specialist

Dr. Gerardo Poli

Dr. Gerardo Poli

Hospital Director Jindalee and Underwood

Gerardo is an Emergency Veterinarian and Company Director at the Animal Emergency Service, Australia.

Gerardo joined the Underwood team in 2010. He achieved Membership with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in the field of Emergency and Critical Care in 2012, and was head examiner for future Membership candidates for 3 years.  In 2014 he completed his Masters of Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice through Murdoch University, which focuses on the more advanced aspects of small animal medicine.

Dr. Ellie Leister

Dr. Ellie Leister

Veterinary Directors of the Pet Intensive Care Unit at Underwood


Ellie has a special interest in tick paralysis specifically in cats, and has a number of articles and research published.

Courtney Reddrop

Courtney Reddrop

Emergency Veterinarian

Courtney is a Senior Emergency Vet at AES and also part of the Animal Ethics Committee at the Harry Parkins Institute of Medical Research for reviewing the appropriate use of animals for medical research.

Dr Rob Webster

Dr Rob Webster

Founding Director AES

I graduated from University of Queensland in 2000, went into emergency medicine, and never left. I completed residency training in emergency and critical care under the supervision of professor Steve Haskins and Dr Bruce Mackay. After attaining FANZCVS qualifications in 2014, I started a residency program through Brisbane’s Pet ICU. My dreams are to see tick paralysis eliminated as a cause of death of dogs and cats in Australia, and for Animal Emergency Service to be the place emergency vets come to save the sickest pets and build the future of emergency medicine and critical care.

I been lucky in finding such a fulfilling career, and I’d like to support other veterinarians who share the same dream.

Your go-to-person

The community manager is your go-to-person for any medical or technical questions. You can contact Clare with any resource related questions and feedback via email,

Dr. Clare Peterson

Dr. Clare Peterson

Community Manager & Senior Veterinarian


Clare loves the fast pace of Emergency Medicine and knowing that every shift they get to help families in their time of need.