Hayley McGuinness

Hayley McGuinness

Hayley McGuinness is proud to be the Veterinary Nurse Administration Manager of Animal Emergency Service Underwood.

Mady Smith

Mady Smith

Having been an animal lover all her life, it was no surprise to anyone when Mady Smith became a veterinary nurse. After becoming a qualified veterinary nurse in 2017 Mady started working in a general practice clinic. Looking to increase her skills she happened to...
Amy Mosley

Amy Mosley

Nurse Amy started her career in surgical and internal medicine nursing, but as soon as she started doing emergency shifts she was hooked! The mixed variety of cases and the rush of emergency and critical cases soon saw Amy switching to an emergency medicine career. As...
Leanne McGrath

Leanne McGrath

As Assistant Nurse Manager, Leanne has seen some interesting cases in our hospital. One of the most memorable was a Pomeranian who had received large wounds after being attacked by a larger dog. He was rushed in with shock, arrested on arrival and required CPR and...